Tuesday 23 August 2011

Now walk it out

Tuesday is my favorite day.... a) it's not Monday... b) No classes! ...c) Sleep in.... d) Be lazy.....and,  e) The next day is Hump Day (halfway through the week and closer to the weekend) .......except I was not lazy today, I was a walking machineeee! ...."look at me now"

Today, I decided to get my act together, so I paid my housing, went to the supermarket, and did laundry... I was pretty productive and did not, I repeat did not use the shuttle bus at all! I know, I know you are proud of me! NTU's campus is SO huge, it is not normal to walk everywhere. I walked and walked and sweated buckets, did I mention how soaked my shirt was? Or, how shiny my face was? My poor poor skin......

Joanna, my roomie and I got lunch today! It was really nice getting to know her. We are making it a every Tuesday lunch kind of thing. We both got Korean food (mama would be proud of me). I got "yuk gae jang" which is a spicy beef stew. It did not taste like mommy's, but I managed. It had weird, random things thrown in the soup, and no, I did not eat it, I stuck with rice and the broth, maybe few noodles here and there. Joanna got BBQ Pork, I believe.... her first time eating Korean food! I was so proud! =)

I went to the supermarket to buy apple juice, bananas, post cards, stamps, and other pointless things. I bought 10 stamps for $5 (Singapore $). The lady handed me the stamps, and I looked at it with a funny face. I was expecting a sticky kind of stamp, like the ones we use in the US, you know, you just peel off the stamp and BAM. This one had no sticky material or anything for that matter, it looked like it was printed from the computer. I walked back to my room and proceeded to write to the lucky people who get a postcard from me. Joanna walked into the room and I asked her the most dumb question of how you put a stamp on a postcard. She said, "People lick it." I said, "Uh no thanks." hahaha, so Joanna gave me some glue, and MAGIC!

After Joanna left the room for class, I blasted Taylor Swift (as usual) and decided to "buckle down" (as my dad would say) and got to work. For a couple hours, I brainstormed a Tiger Beer advertisement (for my assignment). I thought of a fun tagline and attacked my laptop, googling images and information on Tigers and Tiger Beer. In the midst of creativity, I received a text from Lizzi, asking to go to the pool. Immediately, I dropped everything and as fast as I could typed back "YES" (especially after my long and wet trek around campus). We went swimming and chatted about our day....I always look forward to swimming with her.... it seems to wash away all of the day's troubles hahaha. Corny.. I know! The pool is probably my favorite place on campus, there are palm trees swaying and blue water....what more could you ask for?

We had dinner in North Spine on the top floor. It's such a nice place to eat there, it's air-conditioned, and has a wide variety of food. I ordered the dumpling noodle dish....so good! It was hearty and meaty and hit the spot. We're off to Sentosa Island for the loooong weekend and I cannot wait! I just have to get through the next 3 days. But, yeah everything is so far so good, the way it should be. I have class at 9am and 2:30pm tomorrow, so off to sleep! Until then, much love from the Chatty Chong! xo

Also, some new vocabulary for ya.........

toilets = bathroom
lift = elevator
pants = underwear/panties
trousers = pants
queue = line
Uni = university
chips = french fries
crisps = chips (like potato chips)
tube = subway/mrt

..........Fun, right?!

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