Thursday 25 August 2011

At last.

Hello! Hola! Bonjour! Ni hao! (feelin' international right now)

This is gonna be a short post because I am soo tired from the week, but thank God and Buddha it's Friday tomorrow! I felt like this week has been slow, probably 'cause there is a 4 day weekend with my name on it!

Today was Thursday...hmmm I had a tutorial from 11-1 and then lecture from 2-4...not bad, but right after lecture, I attacked 2 tutorial work that are due tomorrow..oops sorry for procrastinating, as Nicky and Danielle would say, "SINS!" (sorry I'm not sorry). Between my two classes, I had lunch with two girls from my advertising class, Susanne and Malin, both from Sweden, and very nice girls! Lots of Swedish people here, I believe around 70? Speaking of Sweden, we went to Ikea last night----SO MUCH FUN! I bought so many snacks! Oops...sorry diet?

I had a very awkward meal today. I got a plate full of rice, tofu, green vegetable (still don't know if it's spinach or some Chinese veggie, but hey it's green and I need the vitamins), beef? and chicken? The beef tasted very... odd and cardboard-like and the chicken was...definitely not chicken, it had a squishy texture almost like boiled organs, so I definitely did not enjoy my lunch (did I just make you feel sick? SINS), but I enjoyed the company from the two girls and the others who joined. I met two girls from Germany, Sophie and Leanna (hopefully I spelled all the names right!) and another girl, Laura. Also, Fiona (from Singapore) joined us as well. All the international students are all soo friendly! We're like one big happy family (who have not met each other, more like long lost family). Everyone is welcoming with warm smiles on their faces. You know, all we have is each other, so everyone opens up their minds and hearts, and instant friendships are formed.

Tonight, I went up on the Digital Media and Arts building with Katie, Lizzi, Fiona, AM, Steph, Katie's labmates Nick and Ed. That is the building with grass on the rooftop (you can take a look in my facebook pictures). There are stairs so you can climb up there. I was definitely a minority, being the only American haha. It's so cool to hear everyone's accents and the way they speak. I find it fascinating haha. It was such a beautiful night with a nice breeze in the air and nice company as well!

At last, I am soo happy to be in Singapore, I felt so content and relaxed without a care in the world. It would not be the same if I had not met the people I am friends with at NTU. The people you choose to hang out with really have an effect on your experience abroad. Although I miss home, Loyola, family, and friends (oh and American food!), I am so lucky and fortunate to be in a vibrant and amazing country as Singapore and sharing it with great people as well. At last I have overcomed the little hump of homesickness!!!!! (we'll see how long this lasts, but I gotta be optimistic!)

To friends/family at home: Please stay safe and dry! I hear Hurricane Irene is making her way and that earthquakes are a fad now? Watch over each other and stay safe. I am thinking of all of you.

Goodnight for now Singapore! Good morning USA? hahaha. Until next time, much love from the Chatty Chong xoxo

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